Big Sketchbook #5
Big Sketchbook #5 is the first large sketchbook that I’ve drawn in since 2013. I began this book back in late 2018; after about 6 years of not drawing in larger (normal?) sized sketchbooks. Before this, I worked exclusively in Moleskine Large (5″x8.5″) Art Sketchbooks for most of my years after college. Whereas the smaller sketchbooks are good for focused studies and smaller scale explorations; the larger book is good for working out bigger ideas or for a more stream of consciousness style of drawing.
Depending on the medium and subject, this book is also great for taking sketches directly into the finished stage of a project; or as close as possible if adding elements digitally.
As of beginning Interstellar Mage Punk: Epilogue X Prologue, this book has been on a bit of a hiatus.. Below is what’s in the book so far.

Below are the pencils drawings for Interstellar Mage Punk: Epilogue X Prologue.