The Ches★Shoppe made an appearance at Otakufest 2019 last weekend! August was a really long month, as I scrambled to get it together in time for the show; and then the scrambled later as Hurricane Dorian made its approach towards Florida. Stores were packed as everyone did what they could to prepare for the worst. I think it was the first time in awhile since we Floridians have taken an oncoming storm seriously.
Fortunately, the latter didn’t happen!
Unfortunately, I was so mentally drained from the whole ordeal that I forgot to take very many photos; but I did at least manage to snap some pics of my new displays at con. Check them out below~

Otakufest 2019 was a lot of fun and I hope I can attend again next year! A big thank you to those of you that stopped by the table and another big thanks if you bought something. It means a lot! I hope I wasn’t too much of a drag. ^__^;;
If you didn’t get the chance to buy something at the event, don’t fret! You can visit Ches★Shoppe on Etsy to get your hands on some of the sweet merch I had available at the con. Currently, I only have buttons available for sale; but eventually I hope to have other things like stickers, apparel, and even various craft items available.
I’ll try to have some proper photos of these displays up in the coming weeks as well as a proper update with all the designs I made for the show.
Thanks again!