Despite the stresses of the holiday season, I still want to put new work up on the site periodically. It’s thanks to the wonders of modern technology, that I can just snap a photo and post it up. The best part is that I can do so without the hassle firing up the scanner. I really enjoy the idea that I can do these Instagram style art posts, albeit on my own platform. In my own format. Keeping in theme of myself through time, Past Me queued up some posts for this earlier part of 2019.
I originally wanted to start this year’s posts last week. However, between car troubles and insomnia wearing me out, I just couldn’t make it happen. Sitting in front of the keyboard to write, I’d just stare at my art blankly as nothing came to mind. It was a little frustrating, but I got through it.

Beyond the Clouds and Stars
Ballpoint Pen and Marker, on Paper; Fall 2018
On my commute one day last October, I listened to the entirety of Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar by Disasterpeace. While listening, a huge wave of inspiration for a new Mage Punk story smashed right into me like a meteor. The concept behind it was something like “Space-Rock-Opera with reincarnates/descendents of the main cast of characters”. What I’m most excited about, however, is the decision that I’ve made about how I want to tell the story. I got this idea that maybe I don’t need to present Mage Punk Archives in a strict chronological order. So I got to work immediately, I could barely contain myself. This isn’t the first concept drawing that I did for it. That honor went to my smaller sketchbook. This drawing is my first exploration into the type of setting I want it to take place in. I can’t wait to show you all the rest!

When this page was still blank, I impulsively used it as scratch paper to get my pen writing properly. Later, I started this drawing off by working from those random hatch marks that I made.
Arrokoth: Encountered Floating Beyond our Solar System in 2019
I wanted to include this in the original post but time was short and I really wanted to make my original deadline. On January 1, 2019, the space probe New Horizons successfully completed a flyby of planetary object, Arrokoth; now officially, the furthest object in our solar system visited by human spacecraft.

It’s an ancient pair of rocks found in the Kuiper Belt, one of the outermost parts of our solar system. This is the belt where, just past Neptune, Pluto and two other extant planets, Haumea and Makemake, are located.
Arrokoth, is a contact binary object; not unlike Pluto and its largest moon Charon. They’ve been in orbit of each other for so long and so closely that they eventually became the single object pictured above.
It’s a formation that probably took many thousands of years to happen. You can go ahead and forget everything you knew about long distance relationships. While 2019 may have gotten off to a rough start, we can take some solace in the fact that it also began with humanity taking a small flyby peek at a love story possibly as ancient as our home in the vastness of space.
You can click here to read NASA’s article about the recent New Horizons flyby.