
It’s been a really rough couple of months

Hello Dear Readers~

Sorry for the recent silence as of late. It has been a very stressful few months lately and unfortunately, posting to the internet is the very last thing on my mind at times like these.

My mother had a heart attack on June 5th. She had to have open heart bypass surgery and the following weeks since then have been quite a nightmare.

After the surgery they had to keep my mom got a terrible case of dementia and had to be restrained. She was giving the nurses a lot of trouble and kept trying to be discharged AMA from the hospital. At one point she even tried bribing my brother into breaking her out.

I’m happy to say that she finally went home on July 8 where she’s slowly but surely on the mend.

I live away from home so I’m dependent on my brothers to keep an eye on her but I’d really like to change that in the nearer future so I can be more hands on in her care, if even a little bit.

Beyond that is the cacophony of other happenings going on in our lives and in the world at present just utterly taking the wind out of our sails.

I’ll try to resume posting on at least a semi-regular basis soon so please keep an eye out for new updates! I have been working on Mage Punk and we’ve definitely been getting stuff together for the shoppes that I can’t wait to show you all!

Thank you for reading; and for understanding.



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