It’s a bit of struggle for me, posting on social media; or posting online in general. In my previous post, I mentioned posting online and some of the pitfalls I encounter when trying to do so. I grew up during that modern internet and technology boom from about the late 90s to all throughout the 2000s. Internet forums, DeviantArt, Geocities and Angelfire, and other disparate web platforms were the norm for presenting your work online. Somehow it was both simpler but also chaotic all at once. There was so much potential. Compared to the way things are today, it felt like an internet Golden Age.
Then, in the late 2000s/early 2010s, smartphones emerged. Shortly after there was a boom in social media and mobile devices as a person’s access to the online world. Social Media became the norm. Those sites were the place to post your work online if you wanted it to be seen. Then algorithms took root and a bunch of other stuff made the internet feel like a real mess.
As of writing this post, I have:
Two Instagrams (@MagePunkArchives and @TablesMesa)
Two Twitter accounts (@MagePunkArchive and @TablesMesa)
Facebook page, Tumblr blog, Fur Affinity, Deeeviant Art(this platform sortaa creeps me out), Pillowfort, and possibly others that I’m forgetting. To be honest, just listing these out, regaining access, and linking to them was stressful enough in its own right.
Posting online used to feel a lot more fun than it does now;
But then, maybe this is more of a me than it is an internet problem. Even in the earlier days of when social media came to be, I wasn’t that much better about being online. I have to figure out how to make posting online fun for me again. It’s easy to blame the internet and say that it’s too different from what I grew up with. But maybe it’s my own fault for spreading myself out too thin.
Still, I feel it’s important to extend these vectors of communication out.
Currently, the best ways to reach me are:
Posting aside, I’m always happy to respond to any questions/inquiries you might have. Unless you’re trolling me, I try not to take too long in responding.
Thanks for reading!