Turns out that I’d accidentally installed a second header plugin that both sucked, and interfered with the other header plugin that I wanted to use. It took a bit of banging my head against the wall but I eventually figured it out and fixed it. Aside from some minor troubleshooting, I’ve added a few more beta pages to test out the comic archives. Currently everything is displayed using the default ComicPress layout. It isn’t so bad on its own, but I still want to figure out how to customize it how I want. Rather than depend on intricate coding and CSS, I really want to make use of illustrated graphics to hammer down the look and feel that I want for the site. Gotta play to my strengths.
I have a short but growing list of the illustrations that I want to create for the site:
- Custom page and chapter headers.
- Including a mini header for the blog/updates section of the home page.
- Custom comic navigation buttons.
- Also want to make the background behind this disappear.
- A footer image.
- A background for the site.
- Additionally, “location” and chapter based backgrounds for comic pages.
- I also need to make the background behind comic pages disappear.
- I need to write a proper about page with contact info.
- A cast page.
- Most importantly; I need to draw more comic pages at some point.
Little tweaks and changed aside, I think that’s all for now. I still need to find a good plugin to generate a better mobile site than what Jetpack can offer. Nothing I’ve come across far has been to my liking. I also need to fix the social media links in the blog page somehow.
I’ll be leaving these old posts so everyone can see how I fumbled through this site’s development process. If you actually read this far back in the blog and have any questions for me, please feel free to shoot me an email or leave a comment. Always happy to fumble through your questions.
Until next post,
Stay dry! (It’s raining like the the End of the World over here)