For now, it’s mainly minor things from my previous update that I’ve made progress on.
Thing’s I’ve made progress on:
- Enabled Avatars for update posts. I’ll most likely not be posting alone in the future and this’ll make it easier to differentiate between myself and the other poster/s. I also think it just looks more visually appealing while scrolling down the site.
- Added some padding in the site CSS so elements don’t seem so on edge.
- Got the Comments Section to stop displaying an “Invalid Request Signature” error. It was some kind of conflict with Jetpack’s own Comments function.
- Edited the CSS for Comments as well as changing the look of the default submit button.
Things that still need work:
- Custom page and chapter headers.
- Including a mini header for the blog/updates section of the home page.
- Custom comic navigation buttons.
- Also want to make the background behind this disappear.
- A footer image.
- A background for the site.
- Additionally, “location” and chapter based backgrounds for comic pages.
- I also need to make the background behind comic pages disappear.
New things that need work:
- Individual Posts still try to display the Right Sidebar and are getting awkwardly pushed to the left as a result.
The Customization of the Social Media buttons that appear in the menubar.Also, the Social Media buttons aren’t displaying properly in the Blog Archive page.Fixed!
- I’d like for the Comic Blog Post to appear above the Blog/Updates section of the front page but the Comic Blog Post widget doesn’t seem to be working?
Thumbnails are still an issue.Fixed- Additionally, I may add some kind of illustration to the blog header on the front page to give it a little more visual appeal. I do love my little drawings.
Not too bad so far. It’s an unfortunate truth that finding problem areas is as much a part of progress as actually getting the work done. I do feel like it’s coming together though.
Until next time,
Stay Caffeinated!